Jackman's wife doesn't like wolverine bod, While countless girls have swooned over Hugh Jackman's shirtless Wolverine, the Australian actor tells ET that his producer wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, isn't crazy about the superhero physique.
Deb will tell you that she doesn't like it. She prefers me chubby because it makes her look better," said Jackman, who is dubious about his wife's claims. "I don't know. I met her on a prison drama where I was pretty jacked in that, and I dare say we wouldn't be together if I hadn't met her with that body."
Jackman says that this time around, he had to train harder than ever to achieve his chiseled features, which could have led to a major mishap. Jackman had to dehydrate to look his best before a shirtless fight scene, leaving him a little faint.
"I had the real claws on; he had the sword, and it was very precise," Jackman explained. "I'm very clumsy. I've stabbed more than one person playing this part ... I was glad to walk away from that one [without any accidents]."
The storyline for The Wolverine is inspired by the celebrated Japanese story arc featuring the Silver Samurai that's taken from the 1982 Wolverine comic book. In the film, Logan (Jackman) finds himself alone in Japan where he confronts a mysterious figure from his past.
With as much fun as he had following his solo storyline, Jackman says he was still thrilled to link up with the entire mutant crew for X-Men: Days of Future Past, out next year.
"This is probably one of the greatest ensembles ever put together," Jackman said of the cast, which includes Halle Berry, Ellen Page, Anna Paquin, Peter Dinklage, Michael Fassbender, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart and Jennifer Lawrence.
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