Teen Boy Rescues Abducted Little Girl, Is The Hero America Needs Right Now, With so much sadness, angst and anger in the air following this past weekend’s George Zimmerman trial verdict — the one thousands across the country have taken to the streets to protest – America could really use a hero right now, and it may have just found one in Temar Boggs.
Last Thursday afternoon a 5-year-old girl was abducted in Lancaster Township, PA. When word spread quickly throughout the town that a little girl had going missing, the 15 year-old Boggs organized a search party consisting of a few friends. On their bikes, they roamed canvassed the area. Eventually, Boggs noticed a young girl in a maroon car with an older man. What happened next will likely be the stuff of legend in Boggs’ hometown.
The car was on Gable Park and turned around when it got near the top of a hill toward Millersville Pike, where Boggs said several police officers were gathered with the kind of cart used to carry an injured football player off the field.
The driver, an older white man, then began quickly turning onto and out of side streets connecting to Gable Park, Boggs said.
The neighborhood is something of a maze; many of its streets are cul-de-sacs.
Boggs got close enough to the car to see a little girl inside. Garcia was nearby.
The driver looked at Boggs and Garcia, then stopped the car at Gable Park and Betz Farm Road and pushed the girl out of the car. The driver then drove off, Boggs said.
Boggs said he didn’t see where the car went.
“She runs to my arms and said, ‘I need to see my mommy,’ ” Boggs said.
Boggs scooped the girl onto his shoulders and began riding the bike toward home, but then decided that wasn’t safe, so he carried her and walked back while Garcia pedaled along, guiding the bike Boggs had been using.
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